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On the Cobbles, first Saturday of every month.

June's Market Setting the Scene For Summer


I took the pleasure of walking hills during the recent half term in search of both gentian and primrose; the views from Cronkley Fell over Upper Teesdale beyond the power of my pen to describe. The hills have a rare power to sooth, and no man or woman ever planned a foul deed whilst sitting alone on the top of a hill and are we not fortunate that our geographical location offers both town and country within a hop and skip.

Following a scramble down Main Gate to the parked car, within half an hour, I was back in Barnard Castle sipping the last of my tea from a dented flask. We (the market volunteer committee) have been busy planning the Taste of Teesdale event at Raby Castle on the 19th July and a meeting was planned to coincide with the end of my fine day’s walking. That evening as I strolled into town my eyes fell upon the bustling figure of a man marching down the high street. You’re never quite sure if your on the end of a berating or a slap on the back, before Just William’s Hedgerow Preserves, warm hand greeted, and the four of us took ourselves inside a notable establishment and rehearsed both farmers’ market and food festival.

June’s market really sets the scene for the start of summer with some rich pickings. I will never be able to cram all of the glorious abundance of the season into the next few lines, but I will do my best. Nothing at the farmers’ market has been shipped here by way of Holland, New Zealand or some other corner of the far distant galaxy.  Ahead are summer months of an abundance of local produce so diverse it could cause a nosebleed. There’s a huge array to enjoy, including salads and fresh-tasting vegetables, soft fruit and I do confess to being the sort of man not ashamed to eat messy fruit in front of company.

Enjoy your weekend and your visit to Barnard Castle Farmers’ Market.

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